Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Farewells and Long Goodbyes

“No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.”

~Robert Southey~

The past few weeks have been very busy. We have packed our apartment, moved my father down to Abilene, TX, visited my grandparents in Kansas, and then went to Carlsbad to see Kendra’s grandparents. In addition we have been saying our goodbyes to our friends and family. I have really struggled with this. All of the emotions that I have been feeling are so overwhelming. Saying goodbye is so difficult.

When I am uncomfortable or nervous about something my natural reaction is to by silly or funny. I met with some of my friends (Adam, Abby, Lauren, and Lezlie) at “All about Cha” to say goodbye. We had such a wonderful conversation, but when it was time to say those words I had trouble finding the correct way to tell them what I was thinking. I started making jokes or laughing when I needed to be saying what I was feeling. After some failed attempts I finally managed to say the right thing.

Family is another thing altogether. On August 24, 2010 my grandfather, who has been fighting cancer for several months now, passed away. Fortunately, Kendra and I had a chance to spend a week with him in Kansas. One of those days we sat outside and laughed and talked about some of our memories together. We remembered the guys’ nights when we would go to the Cavs basketball games (Oklahoma City’s CBA basketball team before the Thunder) and racing radio-controlled cars that we built.

Goodbyes are hard. Whether you are in control of them because you are moving away, or they are out of your control because a loved one is sick and they pass away. I guess I am just thankful for everyone that God has blessed me with, that have shaped who I am and played a role in my life. That I therefore have goodbyes to say.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


This is a painting of St. Francis of Assisi done by our dear friend Loren O'Laughlin ( Joel and I have both loved this painting for a long time and have been privileged enough to "store" it in our dining room for several months now. We are not only drawn by the aesthetic beauty of this work but continue to be encouraged and convicted by the life of the person it depicts. To St. Francis love was the truest of all truths which was exhibited in his deep sense of personal responsibility to his fellows. He found in all created things, however trivial, some reflection of the Divine perfection, and he loved to admire in them the beauty, power, wisdom, and goodness of their Creator.

We will miss you Francis and all you have meant to us. May our lives if even minutely have such an impact as yours.

"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
Francis of Assisi "