Friday, September 10, 2010

Hi, my name is Kendra and I'm addicted to E-bay.

I blame my dad. First of all for the fact that I hate spending money and will go to virtually any length to find something for a good deal. Part of me believes God created E-bay for people like us.

Joel and I signed a contract for an apartment this past Monday to move in on October 1st. We're so excited to be well on our way of soon having a home again although we are very grateful for all of those who have housed us over the past weeks.

We now have the grand task of furnishing our apartment. In Germany you move into an apartment without a kitchen (cabinets, sink, oven, etc.), therefore, our first purchase has to be a kitchen. The nice part is you can make it suit your taste... for the right price. My father and I have both spent countless hours on E-bay and newspaper classifieds searching for a suitable and affordable kitchen and just when you think you've found the perfect one... schwupp, ist es weg (it's gone). Naja... it'll all work out in the end. :)

We should really be off to bed, it's been a long week of jack-hammering, wall-papering, tearing out a flood damaged kitchen, gardening, laundry, and cooking meals for all of those that come and go at this grand central station (my parents house).

1 comment:

  1. 1. Ebay is addicting, esp. if you're a Sullivan!
    2. So very thankful you and Joel have been around to help out!
    3. Have I said how happy I am to have you both here??
    love you and see you on Tuesday!
